WFAN host shares idiotic Zach Wilson take that is guaranteed to make your eyes roll

Sports talk radio has reached a new low
NY Jets, Zach Wilson
NY Jets, Zach Wilson / Sarah Stier/GettyImages

NY Jets quarterback Zach Wilson decided to do what any sane professional athlete would do during his team's bye week last week. He flew home to Utah to visit family and briefly vacation with his girlfriend.

This is, of course, what pretty much every player in the NFL does every year during their team's bye week. This is the only week over the course of a grueling season that players get to spend with family and friends.

It's also a much-needed rest week for athletes dealing with the physical and emotional stresses of playing in the NFL. Unfortunately, no one informed WFAN host Shaun Morash of this.

Morash, who has garnered a reputation for sharing moronic narratives about the Jets in recent weeks/months, went on an embarrassing and foolish rant on Wednesday’s edition of “Evan & Tiki” on WFAN radio.

Morash bashed Wilson for spending the bye week with his girlfriend and family, insisting that he should have stayed the entire week at the Jets facility....doing something, I guess.

Of course, all of Wilson's teammates were at home with their own families. Morash simply wanted Wilson to hang around Florham Park by himself for some reason. Optics, maybe?

"Zach Wilson, in what is about to be the biggest stretch of his career, decided it was a good time to take his girlfriend to Utah to apple and pumpkin pick and go to haunted houses ... I’m sorry, the Jets stink after their byes. I believe 52 guys could’ve gone and visited families ... The quarterback, the leader, needs to be at or around that facility all week last week, and Zach Wilson has not done enough to get his a— on a plane with his girlfriend and go to Utah for a week."

Shaun Morash

Do yourself a favor and stop listening to this garbage

From Tiki Barber's outright lies about Robert Saleh earlier in the summer to Morash's daily nonsense about the Jets, it's sad to see what this formerly beloved radio station has become. These repeated hot takes are illogical and downright idiotic.

It's perfectly normal and expected for NFL players to use their bye week to relax and recover from the grueling grind that is the NFL season. Quarterbacks are obviously no exception to this.

Does Morash hold every quarterback to this standard, though? Of course not. His favorite team's quarterback, Daniel Jones, attended a Halloween party with friends during the New York Giants' bye week last year.

Did Morash comment on this? Does he believe Jones should have stayed at the Giants' facility instead of doing what any sane human being would do? You already know the answer.

Morash is pushing a narrative that he doesn't even believe, likely for the sake of engagement. That's what he does. That's what so many on that radio station do nowadays.

So, with that said, you're welcome for the engagement, Shaun. I didn't want to write this, but here we are. Please just be normal and leave players' personal lives out of the daily nonsense you spew moving forward. Much appreciated.
