Aaron Rodgers could become VP if this presidential candidate is elected

Aaron Rodgers could become vice president....seriously
Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers | Brandon Sloter/GettyImages

NY Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers might be pursuing a position in politics as a potential vice president for presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Yes, you read that right. This is a real thing that is happening.

Rebecca Davis O'Brien of the New York Times is reporting that Rodgers is one of two potential candidates to be Kennedy's vice president for this year's presidential election. The report states that Rodgers and former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura are "the two men at the top of his list."

In fact, O'Brien goes on to say that everyone except Rodgers and Ventura has "turned him down" to this point. Kennedy has reportedly been speaking with Rodgers "pretty continuously" for the past month.

There's another notable quirk to this story, too. O'Brien reports that "the domain name kennedyrodgers.com was registered last week."

This is a real thing that could actually happen. And if it does, it could have massive ramifications on the future of Rodgers and the Jets organization.

Aaron Rodgers could spurn NY Jets for political position

Rodgers has been outspoken about his support of Kennedy as a presidential candidate for quite some time now. He's never exactly been one to keep his opinions to himself, and by all accounts, this seems to be an opportunity he's seriously considering.

Of course, the Jets are no strangers to the political world. Team owner Woody Johnson previously left the Jets organization temporarily to serve as the United States ambassador to the United Kingdom from 2017 to 2021 under former president Donald Trump.

Could Rodgers do the same? It's hard to say.

It's unclear exactly what would happen if Rodgers were to accept this position as Kennedy's running mate. Even if Kennedy doesn't actually win the election, being the running mate for a presidential candidate is a full-time job.

Rodgers has previously spoken about limiting distractions in the Jets' building. Unfortunately, potentially running for vice president while under contract with the organization probably isn't a good way to do that.

But just to be clear, this isn't a comical "oh, this will never happen situation." Rodgers is legitimately one of two known finalists for the position, has been in constant contact with Kennedy, and a domain name for a website promoting their campaign has already been registered.

This is real, and it might actually happen. The Jets/Rodgers saga has taken an unexpected turn into the world of politics.
