NY Jets officially given the green light to open training camp

NY Jets (Photo by Mark Brown/Getty Images)
NY Jets (Photo by Mark Brown/Getty Images)

The NY Jets have officially been given clearance to open training camp

The NY Jets may be starting their training camp on time after all. An official word has just come down from New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy allowing professional sports teams in New Jersey to resume training activities as of today.

This comes just two days after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the same thing for sports organizations in the state of New York. Of course, that didn’t apply to the Jets and Giants, though, who run their training camps out of New Jersey.

Nonetheless, New Jersey followed suit and now all three New York/New Jersey-based franchises will be allowed open up training camp so long as they abide by the NFL’s guidelines.

Now, training camp is still roughly two months away typically starting in late July. At the moment, teams are participating in their virtual offseason programs. This two-month period will give the Jets and the NFL plenty of time to figure out how they plan to go about camp this summer.

Needless to say, it will be a very different experience than most. In a public statement, the Jets had the following to say about their training camp plans.

“[We are working] to establish prudent, health and safety measures for our staff and players. Based on those guidelines, we will begin to open our facility using a phased approach at a time that is most practical for our operations.”

Essentially, it’s a wait-and-see process.

More from The Jet Press

The NY Jets will likely have to wait and see

That’s primarily because the NFL has a policy put in place in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that prevents teams from having players and coaches running football activities at their facilities until every state playing host to each of the 32 teams has provided their stamp of approval.

If those guidelines were to remain in place, the Jets would have to wait for their fellow teams to be approved as well. But as the Jets’ spokesman said, they’re working with the NFL to figure out what they can and can’t do.

Of course, the assumption is that social distancing guidelines will still have to be followed to a certain point even when training camp does open in July. It remains to be seen how that will affect the players and coaches alike.

Still, this is a big first step towards resuming football activities and playing the sport as soon as it’s safe and possible again.
