New York Jets: No Moves Yet, No Problem


John Idzik is taking his time to review the Jets roster, and that is a good thing.

The Super Bowl is over, and teams have started to make roster moves. Most notably, the Giants have cut ties with running back Ahmad Bradshaw, reportedly with a “failed physical” designation. Other teams have made moves as well, such as the Detroit Lions releasing Titus Young. However, one notable team that has not made a move yet is our very own New York Jets.

The Jets are in a bad salary cap situation, as we all know. They also have a lot of moves that we are expecting to see happen quickly, like Bart Scott and Calvin Pace. Yet, they have done nothing, and others have started to notice. One reporter noted on Twitter, the fact that the Jets are in a horrible cap situation, but yet the Giants are the ones making the moves so far. His point was to express surprise, thinking that the Jets should be cutting players by now.

Stop. This is not a problem, not a big deal at all.

First of all, we haven’t even reached the beginning of the new league year, and we don’t reach it until the middle of next month. The teams can’t even negotiate with their own players set to be UFAs until March 9th, and the new year begins March 12th, and starts free agency/trading. What am I saying? The Jets can’t really make any moves yet, aside from cutting players to open up money. They will do that anyway. It doesn’t give them any kind of competitive advantage to do that now. It makes no difference, they should take their time.

Secondly, remember what this roster looked like in 2012. Old, slow, and talent-lacking are some of the clean words associated with the 2012 New York Jets. To put it short, it’s a roster that needs to be fixed. It’s not going to turn around with one or two moves. It needs fixing, and how do we fix it? By being thorough. When moves are made just because other teams are making moves, or because they think they are EXPECTED to make moves, mistakes are made.

Instead of just making blanket cuts, Idzik and company should be looking at each player very closely, to see if maybe they can be brought back at a cheaper rate. Maybe Calvin Pace or Bart Scott, can be salvaged at a smaller salary, to remain as veteran backups. I know that won’t make many of us happy, I am just using that as an example. But the point is, the Jets are going to have to be creative in their work with this roster. They can’t just make moves for the sake of making them, and that takes time.

The bottom line is this, no the Jets haven’t made any money saving roster moves yet. Give them time, it’s not a big deal. They will do it.