To say that this has been a disappointing season for the Jets and their fans would be understating an understatement’s understatement, yeah literally one of those things that forces a mega-sarcastic “REALLY?” look on your face. Outside of the consistent play of the defense, which hasn’t been great in itself but still playing at a consistently solid level, the Jets haven’t done much right this season and that’s putting it nicely. For the most part, the Jets have beaten the teams they were suppose to beat and lost to the teams they were expected to lose to, which is just a long drawn out way of saying that the Jets are who we thought they were going into the season. No matter what or who you blame (we all know which side of the fence I land on when discussing “who’s to blame”) for the Jets unfortunate god awful play this season, the fact of the matter is, they have failed and have given Jets fans a reason to either show up to games with paper bags over their heads or simply NOT show up at all.
The Jets have tried their hardest to run their fans away this season by fanning the stench surrounding the personnel decisions and their play on the field. No one can blame any Jets fan that decided to take cover and shield themselves from the foul odor that is this Jets team as it’s been pretty unbearable at times this season, even sadly reaching remarkably and epically putrid levels this past Thanksgiving night which had most parents outraged at NBC Networks for showing this NFL Malfunction in front of kids that left them longing for a Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake performance. Kids were watching MAN!!!….. KIDS!!!!!
Jets RB Blial Powell will be a big factor in the Jets running game down this important stretch for the Jets.
I digress.
I think we realize the extent of just how the Jets have disappointed any and all that care and entertain any and all that don’t care but just looking for laughs. So if I told you the Jets had a chance to completely change the hearts and minds of those that care would you believe me? Well it’s true. With just 3 games to go in the season the Jets at 6-7 are not only in the middle of the playoff race but they actually have a legitimate shot at sneaking into the playoffs. Something that was unheard of as late as Thanksgiving Night after the Massacre by way of the Pats and frankly something that was unheard of probably the entire season with the way the Jets have fumbled the ball this year, literally and metaphorically. Though as unlikely as it may seem, the Jets find themselves in somewhat of interesting situation with 3 games remaining, a situation that allows them a bit of control to essentially re-gather the hearts and minds of the Jets faithful like a villain turned hero by the end of the movie. A situation that if capitalized on immediately, aggressively, appropriately and effectively can start to rally the support from Jets fans which during this time of the season, can provide the team with much needed emotionally charged motivation.
Now I realize it’s the Jets I’m referring to here and yes I realize they the Jets usually do the opposite of any and everything that’s logical and yes I realize that the Jets have disappointed immensely when they had the chance to make a bit of real noise, yes I realize this but lets not act like the Jets haven’t been knocked down, kicked, left for dead and rose up kicked the white towel out of the ring, wiped the blood clean and came back swinging before. No matter how bad/mediocre Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez have been at their respective jobs, lets no forget the many times they’ve come through at other times in the past when the stakes were very high and many had counted them out. Let’s not get into what exactly needs to happen in order for the Jets to make the playoffs, I’ll just simply say this about the Jets chances of getting into the playoffs; I’ve had a more difficult path to get to the checkout line in WALMART than the Jets have in front of them leading to the playoffs. Take that however you will and want to but take it lightly because the Jets will have to pull something within themselves and handle their business before rooting for and depending on anyone else. This is a defining moment for the Jets and the Rex Ryan era believe it or not even If they don’t make the playoffs. Jets show some fight and pride and win out when there’s playoff chances still out there, it’s to be respected and commended regardless of how the season has gone thus far.
There will be NO run for the playoffs until Mark Sanchez remembers he actually knows how to throw better than he has this season.
This Jets team now has a chance to show Jets fans that they hear their cries, they feel their pain, they still have fight in them, they won’t quit regardless how blooded and beaten they seemed at times this season. A loser can still win and be respected depending on how much heart and soul they put into their fight just remember (if you’re a boxing fan) how you felt about the loser of each of the Mickey Ward and Arturo Gatti fights. We all know what it will take in order for the Jets to somehow pull a post season run out of their hats, offense playing much better than they have and even the defense stepping up even more than they already have thus far but why do we need to talk specifics when it comes to the Jets? The Jets know what they have inside of each and every one of them. They know if they have or don’t have what it takes in order to play like they have something to prove, they know that regardless of what they lack in talent they can make up for in heart, hard work, commitment and dedication. They know that they owe a fan base that has been loyal to them, a fan base that puts every bit of their emotions and finances into what some has called a “bad product” this season. There’s a re-write to this horribly written script that is called the “Jets Season” that needs to take place and once you’re in the playoffs, that rewrite is possible, a re-write of your entire season isn’t just a re-write but a full re-write and re-shoot all in one. The Jets know that they have one last chance to show the world just how fast one can really heal after getting battered and bruised and left for dead. No one is expecting miracles, at least this guy isn’t but I am expecting the Jets to look up the word “Inspired” and implement it into their gameplan for the rest of the season because anything less than Inspired football at this point for THIS team and it shows the fan base that they’ve looked up the word “Quit” and decided to implement that word instead.