A Brief Analysis of the New York Jets 2013 NFL Draft Class-Part I


Is Dee Milliner really replacing Antonio Cromartie?

Sean Durham is back, bringing his take on the 2013 draft class for our beloved New York Jets, in a two-part series. This morning, he brings us the his take on the first 3 choices.

1st Round 9th overall Dee Milliner, CB, Alabama

CB Dee Milliner steps into a Jets defense that just traded away the best defensive player in the league and that player just so happened to have played the same position as Milliner. So to say there’s a bit of pressure on Milliner is a bit of an understatement. Lets get something clear though, Milliner isn’t here to replace Darrelle Revis as Antonio Cromartie did a fine job at that last season. Milliner is here to step into the role Antonio Cromartie held prior to Revis going down which was the team’s solidified #2 CB. The Jets don’t seem to have one of those at this moment and Milliner certainly fits the mold and definitely has the skills and attributes to be that 2nd CB this defense so desperately needs right now. If Kyle Wilson had shown even an ounce of what the Jets hoped he’d shown after drafting him, Milliner wouldn’t be a Jet. Milliner is an immensely instinctive and aggressive CB that utilizes his strengths and elite techniques to effectively cover and shadow WRs. His techniques are already on the level of a 6 year NFL vet and the Jets will benefit from his attributes almost immediately!

Don’t expect Milliner to be dominant and don’t expect flawed mistake-free football from the rookie but expect Milliner to grab Jets fans early and often with his vet savvy techniques via that “Pro-Style” system at Alabama. I don’t agree with the pick at 9 but around mid-season, Jets fans will be thankful Idzik decided to land on Dee-Island!

1st Round 13th overall (from Revis trade): Sheldon Richardson, DT, Missouri

How does Sheldon Richardson fit into the plans?

Just what the Jets needed another DT right? Right????At first glance, the pick is a headscratcher but after discovering that the Jets are reportedly trying to move DT Quinton Coples to OLB, the move starts to make much more sense. Richardson is an immediate defensive starter (although Rex will go through the spill about him having to earn the snaps and so on and such as) as he’s an immensely talented prospect that commanded double teams in college. Richardson is a wildly active player that stays all over the field and has a very active and aggressive motor. He’s very good at getting into the offensive backfield and disrupting plays as he has solidified excellent pass rushing techniques that at most times seem to be too much for O-linemen in return forcing double teams. It was talk of the Jets going to a 4-3 with the Richardson selection but Richardson makes an excellent 3-4 end with the possibility of Coples moving outside. Essentially we talking about the possibility of the Jets moving Coples to the outside and not missing a thing with Richardson paired with Wilkerson on the inside, scary thought indeed.

2nd Round 39th overall (Assigned): Geno Smith, QB, West Virginia

And with their third choice, the Jets take quarterback Geno Smith.

Oh the Jets took a QB huh? I hadn’t noticed.

Jets pulled the trigger on the draft’s “best” QB at 39 but they might as well took him at 9 with the backlash, criticism and 2nd guessing they’ve received since making the selection.

Jets GM John Idzik has vowed that completion would be the theme around the entire team and he made good on that vow bydrafting Geno Smith. Geno will undoubtedly bring competition to the Jets ailing QB position that holds one Mark Sanchez and an aging vet with a shredded knee in David Garrard that were slated to be the favorites to start on opening day. Idzik just threw a wrench into that fray with the Smith selection and Smith will indeed bring competition to the position one way or the other. Smith has a NFL caliber arm with excellent strength and already knows how to survey the field better than Mark Sanchez. Smith has his issues as much as any other rookie QB would normally have but he has tremendous upside and has a load of talent. I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see Smith as the Jets opening day starter. Would you?

Tune in tomorrow, where Sean brings us his wisdom on the rest of the class.