10 Awesomely Awesome Meaningless Meaningful Jets/NFL Thoughts


1.) Jets OTAs are in full swing and it feels good to have some organized football to obsess and overreact about.  I’m of course referring to how the Jets OTAs were scrutinized last week by the NATIONAL media.  Now it wasn’t exactly scrutinized the way you would expect it to, the scrutiny was directed towards the NY media for doing their jobs which include accurately reporting the facts and giving Jets fans a play by play of the OTAs.  We ALL know that Mark Sanchez looked SHARP and Tim Tebow didn’t look so sharp (me putting it nicely or course).  Let’s just be honest here,  the REAL reason for the “outrage” and the criticism of course was simply because of the fact that the NY media WASN’T REPORTING and TWEETING that “Sanchez was struggling and Tebow was looking sharp.”  Had that been the case, these one liners/talking points like; “It’s just OTAs” and “It’s just practice” would’ve been replaced by “Tebow gaining momentum on Sanchez” or “Sanchez not handling the Tebow pressure well” or something along those lines, GUARANTEED!   It’s ALL in my head right?

Mark Sanchez getting set to throw a pass at Jets OTAs.

Well NOT exactly~~~> back on April 25th ProFootballTalk posted this INCREDIBLE and REMARKABLE NEWS WORTHY ARTICLE re Mark Sanchez   and THAT was from just a THROWING SESSION, a throwing session with NO defensive players around and NO offensive coaches around to call the plays, so TECHNICALLY you can’t even qualify this as “practice” like you can with OTAs but It seems PFT thought it was RIVETING news to share with the world, the fact that a Jets WR thought Tebow’s arm strength was MUCH stronger than Sanchez’s ( MUCH more news worthy of course SINCE it was Pro-Tebow and Anti-Sanchez).   That SAME “news outlet” thought it was POINTLESS to post ANY news about Tebow struggling and Sanchez looking SHARP in ORGANIZED JETS OTAs.  NOPE, not ONE post from them about that OTA in which Tebow struggled.  Seems to ME that what happened in an ORGANIZED Jets OTA  would be more important and news worthy than what took place in a meaningless and pointless THROWING session.


Maybe it’s just me.

2.)    How’s THIS for a “catch 22″…..Your job as a NFL RB is to become the BEST RB for your team, get as many carries/touches as possible to show how talented and reliable you can be in hopes that ultimately the teams recognizes your skills and essentially builds the offense around you or make you responsible for 50% of your team’s total offense and ultimately earn that long term contract that includes secured guaranteed money. So imagine the surprise or confusion Matt Forte and Bears fans are experiencing when it was reported that the Bears are hesitant to give Forte a long term deal  because they NOW have questions about the durability and health of his knees AFTER running him and his knees into the ground the past 2-3 seasons.  The past 2 seasons Forte has amassed 2,066 yards rushing, 1,037 yards receiving and 13 total TDs and has been responsible for at LEAST 50% of the Bears total offense, so it shouldn’t be too hard to understand why Forte feels he’s being wronged here.  Hate to admit it but it’s Instances like THIS that semi-justifies NFL stars holding out every other year or 2 and capitalizing on their leverage for more guaranteed money.

Bears RB Matt Forte has found himself in the middle of a paradoxical situation.

3.)   It’s a GOOD thing the Jets are the ONLY team that makes idiotic bold predictions just to hear themselves talk or this would get scrutinized and criticized to the point of absurdity.

4.)  Steelers linebacker Lamar Woodley express the utter sadness and utter……well……disappointment, shock and MORE sadness he and the rest of his Steelers teammates experienced when they lost to the Tim Tebow led Broncos and EMPHASIS on the words “Tim” and “Tebow.”  Woodley expressed how “disappointed” he and his teammates were having lost to a team “they weren’t suppose to lose to.”  Am I crazy but did Woodley just basically summarize “Tebow-mania”?   Teams underestimating the Broncos because of Tim Tebow actually ended up LOSING to the Broncos BECAUSE of Tim Tebow?  Dolphins, Bears, Vikings, Chiefs, Raiders and Jets ALL had “no business” losing to Tim Tebow and the Broncos as ALL of those teams had leads on the Broncos late in the games and one of the teams (KC) actually held Tebow to just TWO completions for the entire game.   So if Woodley feels “disappointed” for losing to Tim Tebow after giving up 316 yards passing on 10 completions, how should Chiefs players feel after losing to Tim Tebow after giving up 69 yards on 2 completions???

Steelers OLB Lamar Woodley is still in SHOCK over the playoff loss to Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos.

5.)  Am I the ONLY one the believes that the Jets offensive players WONT be as complacent under Tony Sparano like they were under Brian Schottenheimer?  INCLUDING Mark Sanchez??  I fully expect a different offense under Sparano that is in STARK contrast to the offense we saw under Brian Schottenheimer.  Whether that’s good or bad remains to be seen but as I previously reported, I believe that Sparano is a good fit for the Jets and players will ALL be held accountable for their actions or in-actions.


Jets Rookie WR Jordan White has ALL of the tools to be very effective for the Jets

6.) Things I’m looking forward to in Jets camp:

-Tebow vs Sanchez in the Green & White scrimmage….

-Coples up against Brick and/or Hunter…

-Jordan White aka “The Steal”….

White was the 244th selection in the 7th round for the Jets back in April and he may be the “steal” Jets fans were looking for, check this;

-In 2011 White led the NATION with 140 catches and 1,911 receiving yards while scoring 17 touchdowns

– In the 2011 Little Caesars Pizza Bowl, Western Michigan played Purdue and White DOMINATED with 265 yards on 13 catches.

–  White is the Mid-American Conference’s single-season and career leader in receiving yards.

So WHY the slip in the draft?

Well most likely due to the competition he faced at Western Michigan and his size; At 5’11, 208 White isn’t IDEAL size for a STARTING WR but possesses a solidly-built frame with excellent toughness and physicality to power through tackles and work well in traffic. White seems to be a polished route runner with strong hands and someone I fully expect to standout in camp when given the opportunity.  If Rex has shown ANYTHING, it’s his propensity to give players in camp opportunities to show what they have even if it means sitting starters on the sidelines for an extensive period of time.  Don’t be surprised WHEN Jordan White ends up being one of the surprises at Jets camp, I know I won’t and I’m fully EXPECTING it!

7.)    Matt Flynn is looking like the best option for the Seattle Seahawks based off early Seahawks OTAs.  Clearly that’s NOT a shocker in the LEAST bit but lucky for Flynn, he doesn’t have Tim Tebow there competing against him thus forcing us to NEGATE and DISMISS these reports because it’s “just OTAs.”

8.)  The LATEST team to turn down HBO’s Hard Knocks:

AP is reporting that HBO has contacted THIS team about appearing on HardKnocks

9.) The consensus belief around the league is that Mark Sanchez is facing an IMPOSSIBLE task this season with everything he has TO do and NOT do in order to keep New Yorkers from starting the Tebow-wagon and pushing it down hill.  I for one think Sanchez is motivated enough to go out and play well enough for the Jets offense to be effective under new OC Tony Sparano but I DON’T have faith in a good % of the Jets fan base and know after that THIRD 3 and out in the 7th game of the season even with the Jets sitting at 5-1 and Sanchez holding on to a 9 – 2 TD to Int ratio for the season, a good % of the bi-polar NY Jets fan base WILL start to call for Tebow.

For instance ~~> Mark Sanchez started the first six weeks  of the 2010 NFL season with a 9/2 TD-INT ratio, 55.44 comp% and a 88.99 QBR average while the Jets were sitting at 5-1.  The next game came in week 8 vs the Greenbay Packers after the week 7 bye and that game happened to be one of Mark Sanchez’s worst games of the season in which he threw 2 ints and ended with a 43.3 QBR and a comp% of 42.1% but the GAME was actually MUCH worse than the stat-line.  There were CONSTANT 3 and outs and the overall offense looked putrid at BEST and of course regardless of what actually happened on the field ie drops and fumbles from the WRs, the overall blame was placed at the feet of ONE Mark Sanchez.  Now, had Tim Tebow been a Jet, there’s seemingly NO doubt that the calls for Tim to replace Sanchez after that week 8 DISASTER would’ve been LOUD and overwhelming and of course the likely-hood of Sanchez being replaced after that ONE awful week would’ve been very unlikely but the point would’ve been Sanchez would’ve had someone behind forcing him to look over his shoulder, which is kind of ironic considering Sanchez’s NEXT 3 games AFTER the Green bay embarrassment, he put up some of his BEST numbers of his season throwing for 950 yards / 6 tds / 2 ints / 87.4 QBR and 59% comp% while leading the Jets to a 3-0 record and 3 consecutive comeback wins during that 3 week span FOLLOWING his horrific game in Green bay and did  so WITHOUT being pressed or “pushed” by the backup QB.  Point being; sometimes QBs need to play through the rough times without having to look over their shoulders, sometimes that “pressure” or “push” that “FANS” want their QB to experience can be more counterproductive than effective.


10.) #Boom

What we’ve ALL be waiting for……