So the Jets decide for fire Mangini… Good move… the Mangenius’ undoing was naming his kid after Favre and having an love affair with the most overrated player in recent memory.
I’ve been ripping the Jets for this move since day one and I can guarantee this won’t be the end. Favre will now drag this franchise through the mud the way he has dragged Green Bay for most of our recent memory.
I was talking to a Packer Fan today who actually told me he was relieved to have Aaron Rodgers under center, because regardless of their record, they know they have a bright future!
This is turning into the greatest fall from stardom in recent memory. Obviously it’s not as tragic as Michael Vick, but it’s getting close. If Favre decides to come back for another season at 40 years old and once again complains of a sore shoulder without audibling to running plays, he will leave this league a bum. It’s unfortunate to see because if he would’ve cut his losses and stayed in Green Bay, this all would’ve been saved.
The Jets would be in the playoffs with Pennington, and the Mangini would be preparing for another AFC opponent. Instead, Mangini is gone, and Favre has quit on this team. There have been reports that the rest of the Jets players are furious with the way Favre has played this year. Who can blame them? With the talent this team had, all they needed was someone not to turn the ball over. (Way to get the all time INT leader Mike T.)
Let’s be honest, this season was about one thing for ownership. Selling #4 jerseys and getting PSL’s in place for next year.
Here’s the fix folks:
Get rid of Favre… FAST!!! Bring in an established Run First Football guy… i.e. Cohwer, Parcells, etc…
Use the draft to your advantage. The Jets are fairly solid at many positions now. They need to package some picks to move up and get the guys they truly desire… i.e. Revis, Harris & Keller.
If they can grab a QB they really like, DO IT! We see how rookie QB’s can perform in this league with the emergence of Ryan and Flacco. Otherwise, groom Clemens, Ratliff or Ainge to manage the game and hand the ball 1 million times next year. 500,000 for Jones and 500,000 for Washington. They MUST rely on defense and their running game.
The bottom line is the only way to win this locker room back is to publicly GET RID OF FAVRE AND HIS YELLOW GREEN BAY SHOULDER PADS so the rest of the guys know management believes this franchise could be proud.
Does anyone think the Giants, Steelers, 49ers, Cowboys, Eagles, Redskins or any other proud franchise would allow any player, no matter who he is to wear another teams colors… I think not.
Until this franchise establishes some foot-BALLS and cans their biggest mistake in Favre, the Jets will lose the faith of their entire locker room and fan base. We all know the real problem… BRETT SHOULD’VE NEVER BEEN A JET….